Hello dear friends and visitors of our event
Nice that you visit 4Forestcitylake. So that we can use the space again today and especially in the years to come, there are a few rules to follow.
Please and that is our greatest concern, keep the noise emissions as low as possible!!! Brunnen is a tourism and holiday resort. We want to remain the guys with the nice cars and not be labeled as posers. If there are conspicuous drivers, they can start their journey home again at the main entrance and will be referred to the police by us.
It has been perfect so far and we are fully counting on you. love goes out...
Otherwise, the rules apply as at every meeting:
Garbage belongs in the garbage and not on the floor, this also applies to tobacco products.
No loud music
No roaring of the engines
Burnouts and anti-lags are strictly prohibited and will be reported immediately
Feedback and inputs are always welcome
Otherwise enjoy the 4Forestcitylake